

みなさんさんごきげんよう。大晦日に出展というのに12月頭までFish Eagle No.21誌の編集をやってた、ショッカーです。ようやく出展の目処がたちましたのでご報告。
 2015年冬のコミックマーケット89に出展予定のFish Eagle No.21では、
distributed by "Japan Agricultural Cooperatives  of Akita Hometown"

 せっかくだから、三平君のファンの方々の為に、ここでFish Eagle誌に載せきれなかった三平君のカラー写真をご紹介。
A Signboard of the guidance to Yokote-Masuda Manga Museum.
A statue of "SAMPEI the fishing freak" @ a hot spring of the Masuda town.
An autographed colored paper by TAKAO YAGUCHI,the comics artist.
A Dried noodle of Masuda town.
100% Apple juices of the Masuda town where you can see a lot of apple trees on farms.
A figure of SAMPEI and a figure of white fish which are called as "Shinano-Yuki-Masu" at Nagano prefecture,Japan.
A Signboard of Lake Tateiwa at Minami-Aiki village of Nagano prefecture.